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Addressing Flooding in Denpasar Bali

Posted by BALI DEWATA ISLAND INDONESIAN on Friday, January 11, 2013

New rain briefly some point in Denpasar already experiencing flooding. Actual flood events are also associated with the rainy season that means we need to make efforts to overcome them. Why do we let it become a routine flooding occurs when so harmful to society.

Their number is increasingly crowded with the high population density in the city of Denpasar it is not accompanied with good drainage infrastructure. As a result, often the water is not channeled properly and cause overflow. Some turned out to be plumbing the dump into a big problem when the rainy season where clogged and water is not flowing. Some watersheds have become concrete and consequently stagnant water during the rainy season and there was a flood.

Genesis flood was very much a problem if not addressed. Flooding will cause material harm to the occupants of the home, and household appliances damaged or washed away. Cars and motorcycles that pass also become damaged. Congestion will happen everywhere because the road was flooded.

Travelers became uncomfortable even canceled a visit to Bali as the flood situation. Some disease will easily spread like leptospirosis, skin diseases, diarrhea and more.

This condition is clearly not beneficial to all parties. For that efforts need to be done to resolve it. As for some of the efforts that need to be done immediately to address flooding in Denpasar namely:

     Make repairs and clean waterways, sewers that could soon flow.
     Prohibit people throw garbage in the drains
     Making infiltration wells are prone to flooding in some point so that water can seep into the ground
     For homes flooded diareal can make for a catchment biopori

Blog, Updated at: 7:32 PM


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