Posted by BALI DEWATA ISLAND INDONESIAN on Saturday, March 9, 2013
One of the causes of congestion in the streets of Denpasar is the minimum number of public transport and the tendency for people to choose to use a private vehicle.
Do not want to look at this silence, I Gede Semara and his friends founded a cooperative whose members are a mix of urban transportation. Cooperative transport is named Cooperative Sewaka Fund. Through this cooperative pioneered Trans Transport Feeder Sarbagita Denpasar.
Initially, Semara and his friends just join an organization of public transport or often called Organda. But eventually the Department of Transportation asking Organda to run the new program that they won the tender. The program was run with the condition should be set up cooperatives.
According Semara, feeder transport besides helping the government program to reduce congestion as well as to assist in the feed Sarbagita bus passengers. From rural villages or housing that can not be reached by bus to the stop-stop Sarbagita Sarbagita want to go.
Transport Trans Sarbagita Feeder is the first program in Indonesia. Hopefully he can be a trend-setter for other public transportation. The program was first feeder route operates on 4 September 2012 with free promo until December 31, 2012.
The program is now extended until February 27, 2013. Free promo is intended to attract passengers on public transport. If the free promo is over, the normal freight rate is Rp 2000 per person.
Met at its base, Ketut Kondra who served as field supervisor in Base Gods once doubled as an employee (driver-ed) says that free promo is not at all burdensome employee. That's because this promo has received subsidies from the government.
"Although now free angkotnya rates, we still paid according to the standard minimum wage (UMR) and uneven," he said.
Unlike other public transport passengers to take turns with his colleagues to get their sustenance, Cooperative Fund Sewaka teach employees to work together. Cooperative emphasize that they are a team not a rival. In sorting out the employee was not kidding. They use the training process in order to have a mental labor, good discipline and ready to serve the community without being tired.
Transport feeder tiny green fleet totaling 56 route-route a particular purpose. Currently, freight feeder already has four routes to reach areas in the city of Denpasar.
Here is the route feeder (feeder) Transarbagita in Denpasar.
Route 1 from Cambodia Road (GOR Ngurah Rai) to the Jalan Sudirman, Diponegoro, then back again to Jalan Cambodia. Route 2 from Sanglah, Waturenggong, Sunrise, stop Sarbagita Nusa Dua, back to Sanglah. Route 3 from Jalan Pulau Moyo, Sanglah P.Nias Road, Pedungan, Pemogan, Pesanggaran, returning again to the island of Moyo. While the route 4 starts from the Gods Road, Kerta In, Petanu, Waturenggong, Sudirman, back to Sidakarya Gods Road.
Since public transportation is Sarbagita feeders, they prioritize goals to stop-stop bus route Trans Sarbagita in nearby destinations. Of course, by not limiting the willingness of passengers going down or up on the go.
Transport feeders which began operating at 06.00 until 22:00 pm on each route, received a positive response from the public. Kadek, one of the passengers claimed the feeder routes are delighted to be taking public transportation. "Glad to be taking public transportation again. Especially for me who can not drive a private vehicle, "he said as he got off the transport.
Not only the public, students were enthusiastic about the existence of these feeder routes. Anin and Mini, two feeder transport users say, public transportation is very beneficial to our students, mostly children boarding overseas and do not have private vehicles for commuting campus. Especially when erratic weather like this when riding public transportation so not by heat or rain, free again.
"Calculated as cost-effective expenditure of overseas students," said Anin and Mini, two student Tourism Faculty of Udayana University in unison.
Transport manager, said that the advantage of this Sarbagita feeder route is on time, the service can be maximized in comparison to other urban transportation could be said that his own wishes. According Semara, all public transport feeder Trans Sarbagita be disciplined and meet existing work schedules. For parents who raise their children to transport feeder Trans Sarbagita guaranteed security.
"We assure our passengers safely to your destination and the prices are more affordable for students and the general public. Take advantage of our services as well as possible, "says Semara.
Semara expect the government to continue to provide this opportunity to the Cooperative Transport Sewaka Feeder Fund and Trans Sarbagita to still exist. According to him, they were incorporated in it are sacrificing themselves to do the work with the consequences of the limitations of this initial salary is pegged Rp 50,000 per day.
"We also look forward to the public, especially students who appreciates an important role to support this program," chimed please Kondra Semara expectations.
Blog, Updated at: 12:59 AM
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