Posted by BALI DEWATA ISLAND INDONESIAN on Saturday, March 9, 2013

Looking Denpasar two and a quarter centuries ago.

After 20 years of celebrating a milestone anniversary with the inauguration of a municipality on February 27, 1992, from Denpasar in 2013 is celebrating a milestone anniversary by taking a stance Puri Denpasar in 1788. That is why, Denpasar Anniversary celebration this year marked the 225th anniversary.

Establishment in 1788 as a milestone in the establishment of the city of Denpasar established by Regulation (Regulation) No. 10 in 2012 on the anniversary of the city of Denpasar. Like what Denpasar actually two and a quarter centuries ago?

Here's a bit of history of the city of Denpasar.

In the beginning was a park. But this is not just a park. This garden favorite King of Badung Kyai Jambe Ksatrya that beristana Jambe Puri Satria now Ksatrya Market to the north. The park is equipped with a contest that reserved for guests coming from out of Badung.

"When compared to now, it's kind of villa park peristirahatanlah," said AA Ngurah Putra Darmanuraga, Puri acceleration figures are also aspirant history.

The King was known for playing cockfighting. At that time, the king often invite other kings in Bali to play cockfighting. Kings invitation that is often placed in the garden of the King.

"The park was left to I Gusti Ngurah Made acceleration of Puri Puri Kaler Kaler acceleration or friend," said Damranuraga.

The park is located in the northern market, specifically in the office of the Governor of Bali today (Jaya Sabha). Initially the market is located in Badung Puputan field now, but in the Dutch market was moved to near Tukad Badung and became known as Pasar Badung.

Because it is located in the northern market, the park was named Parks Denpasar. Den in Balinese word it means 'north'. Many areas in Bali that begins with the word meaning den pointing north, as Denbukit (another name that berlokadi Buleleng in north mountain / hill).

In 1779 the conflict between Kyai Jambe Ksatrya by I Gusti Ngurah Rai. In fact, I Gusti Ngurah Rai no other person Jambe Ksatrya Kyai confidence, especially in the case of a complaint chicken. This conflict led to the killing of Kyai Jambe Ksatrya.

Pascaterbunuhnya Kyai Ksatrya Jambe, powers delegated to I Gusti Ngurah Made acceleration. Devolution of power to the I Gusti Ngurah Made acceleration marks the end of the rule Puri Jambe Ksatrya. The reason, I Gusti Ngurah Made acceleration establish new palace in the Garden of Denpasar. That new palace named Puri Denpasar. I Gusti Ngurah Made acceleration was crowned as King of Denpasar I.

"Puri Denpasar this is in-pelaspas in 1788. In Balinese tradition, the opening ceremony is a form pemelaspas a place, "said Professor of History Faculty of Letters, Udayana University and chairman of the Research Team History Denpasar, AA Good Wirawan.

That is why, the research team recommended in 1788 as a milestone in the birth of the city of Denpasar. The reason is, when a castle stood, it means the emergence of a city. Because, in the royal castle at the center of government.

In addition, the castle is also a cultural center as well as the economic center near the castle standing square and market.

"Previous name Denpasar is already emerging, but not yet as a city. Once used as a castle, Denpasar's when it turned into a city, "said Wirawan.

Then, when the date and month of the establishment of Denpasar? According Darmanuraga, tracing the Bandana Purana Raja Puri Denpasar dipelaspas mentioned on Tumpek Landep, February 1, 1788. Tumpek Landep indeed a day petoyan, wedalan or patirtaan in pemerajan Puri Agung Denpasar. If you refer to the 2200 calendar year IB works Suparta Ardana, in 1788 there were two days Tumpek Landep the 5 April 1788 and 1 November 1788.

"There is a possibility that February was misquoted. The truth may be 1 November 1788, "said Darmanuraga.

However, the research team along Denpasar Denpasar government and parliament decided to continue to use February 27 as the anniversary, but the milestone was taken in 1788. Wirawan declare it as a form of compromise history. February 27 was chosen because it is based on considerations remain the Denpasar was used to celebrate the anniversary of his city on that date. But, for the sake of building a sense of history, in 1788 selected as the momentum in the establishment of the city of Denpasar.

"Compromise common history. Not only Denpasar, setting the day so other cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Surabaya and others also based on an agreement with respect to historical aspects, "said Wirawan.

Blog, Updated at: 4:49 AM


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