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Largest Watercolor Exhibition in Bali

Posted by BALI DEWATA ISLAND INDONESIAN on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Largest Watercolor Exhibition in Bali
Text and photos from Bali Culture BentaraBentara Culture Bali (BBB) ​​Watercolour exhibition Biggest in 2012. Ten artists participating in this exhibition come from 11 countries in Asia, such as Houxing Chan, Christina Leksono, Huang Fong, JB Iwan Sulistyo, Robby L, Sandy Leonardo, Senpao, Azuma Fuyu, Alex Leong and Lynn Smith Sein.
In addition to showing paintings with watercolor materials, the exhibition in collaboration with the Indonesian Watercolour Society also presents the works of other water base, such as the use of acrylic paint, gouache, ink and other materials China mediated water mix.

Colossal exhibition will feature 100 paintings from artists from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Previously, work has been exhibited at the Cultural Bentara Jakarta and continued around in three other venues are Bentara Culture Yogyakarta, Bali and Hall Soedjatmoko Solo.
The exhibition was opened by Prof. Bali. Dr. I Made Bandem on Sunday at Jalan Prof. BBB. Ida Bagus Mantra 88 A, Ketewel, Gianyar. The exhibition is open to the public until July 31, 2012, at 10:00 to 18:00 pm.
Juwitta K. Lasut, BBB staff said that in addition to be able to understand and appreciate the works of exquisite paintings on paper, visitors can also see how the artists with different backgrounds mengeskplorasi the creation of unique and interesting. Each present is charming, in shades of high expressiveness, but it also contains aesthetic depth.
Indonesian Watercolour Society has held a variety of watercolor exhibitions at home and abroad. Among Watercolour Exhibition at Incheon Global Cities Art Festival Exhibition, South Korea, (2009); Watercolour Exhibition at Tian Jin City - China (2009); Watercolour Exhibition at Zado Island and Niigata - Japan (2010), The 2010 Incheon International Grand Art Festival, Korea (2010); Asia Watercolour Painting Alliance 22nd at Shanghai - China (2010), The 5th Exhibition of New Expression of Asian Art hosted by Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Thailand (2011) and various other exhibitions.
"The presence of Indonesian Watercolour Society may be able to arouse and increase public appreciation for watercolor paintings is like to be abandoned," said Juwita.
According Juwita, Indonesian painter who now uses the media watercolor few. Watercolor paintings were not much elaborated and elaborated in the archipelago. This may be due to the degree of difficulty is higher than other media.
Besides the exhibition, Bentara Balinese culture also held discussions and workshops. One is the appreciation of poetry books, Jazz! Wendoko work on 28 July 2012.

Blog, Updated at: 10:27 AM


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